Writing for the Generations

In D&C 69:8, John Whitmer is told to preach, expound, write, copy, select, and obtain "all things which shall be for the good of the church, and for the rising generations that shall grow up on the land of Zion, to possess it from generation to generation, forever and ever."

If anyone can help me with this reference, I remember a conference talk wherein some Elder of the church told a great story (maybe it was about a goat stuck on a very steep cliff face?) and in his mind, he related it to the gospel. After he thought this, a still small voice told him to write it down. He was told, more or less, that "I do not give you these things solely for your own good," which meant that his spiritual experiences were to be shared, that his eyes had been opened to receive spiritual lessons not just so that he could learn from them, but also so that others could learn from them. This inspired un-named Elder to write down his spiritual experiences more often.

I've been trying to write down my spiritual experiences ever since I heard that conference talk, and it is surprising--once I made an effort to try to write those things down, I realized that there were more to write than I expected. One of my friends told me something about journaling that I've used to help me not feel overwhelmed with how many things I have to write down. She said that if you start journaling, start with today. You will never be able to catch up if you tell all of your past experiences first, and a lot of the time, that's what keeps people from writing. They feel overwhelmed and they become discouraged, so they just don't record anything. But if you start with today, then I promise there will be days when you don't have anything to say, so you can flashback to one or two previous experiences that you remember.

I just think it is important to write down what you can when you can so that others can benefit from your experiences, because sometimes, others benefit more from our experiences than we do ourselves.

Choose to Cleave.
*Read my first post, "Preface," for more information about Cleaving


Connie Babe said...

you will be sad at my journal...but my grandbabies and greatgrandbabies can read my blog!!! :)

my first thought about what talk you're talking about, because of the 'don't give this to you' line, was this one:

but there's no goat. or cliff.

brittany michelle said...

that's the one! thanks!