Pray Always

"Daily simple, sincere, and mighty prayers lift our lives to a higher spiritual altitude.  In our prayers we praise God, give thanks to Him, confess weaknesses, petition needs, and express deep devotion to our Heavenly Father.  As we make this spiritual effort in the name of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, we are endowed with increased inspiration, revelation, and righteousness, which bring the brightness of heaven into our lives"(Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Prayer and the Blue Horizon," Ensign, Jun 2009, 4-7).

I think this quote is a good reminder of everything we should be doing while praying.  Also, if you consider that you should be praying always, maybe you don't have to be literally praying, but you could be looking for things to pray about throughout the day.  You can look for things praiseworthy, things you are thankful for, your weaknesses you'd like to overcome, the needs you have, and why you love Heavenly father.  I think that this will help us say prayers daily because we will realize just how much we have to pray about, and it will help our prayers be "sincere and mighty" because we will have been dwelling on our prayers long before we say them.

Choose to Cleave.
*Read my first post, "Preface," for more information about Cleaving