Be Your Best, No More, No Less

From Elder Maxwell in this month's Ensign:

"God doesn't care nearly as much about where you have been as He does about where you are and, with His help, where you are willing to go."

I read that yesterday, and I can't get it out of my head, so I figure I should post it for other people to read as well.  In fact, you should read the entire article here.  It really is great.

I just want to say that sometimes I get caught up in regret and wishing that I was a different person, that I was my absolute best already.  But this article, this quote, has helped me feel peace about the things in my past that I have repented of and instilled a deeper understanding that right now, I'm the best that I can be at this moment, and with God's help, my best can improve.  I realized that I will never be perfect in this life, so I will most likely never feel as if I measure up to who I want to be, because I will always want to be better. And then I remembered what my mom said to me growing up: "He only expects your best, and your best changes from day to day."  I just hope that my best increases day to day.

It's strange. Whenever I focus on this principle, it seems that I find more and more ways to make little changes without much effort.  I discover ways of viewing the world that helps me make good choices, and my eyes are carefully and kindly opened as to ways I can refine myself. It's like my cup (in this case figurative of my potential) is half-full, and I'm getting a little more every day, and if I look hard enough, I can see that each drop is making my cup fuller.

Choose to Cleave.
*Read my first post, "Preface," for more information about Cleaving

*Photo: reference