Last One

Tomorrow is my last day in my Doctrines of the Gospel institute class.  For a while, I was really sad about this, but then I got a picture stuck in my head right before I went to sleep, so here I am blogging at an insane hour.

I usually dread the last of anything.  The last bite of a cookie is a simple example.  The last night I spent at my apartment last school year with all of my roommates.  The last hug from my mom before we both return to our homes in different states.

But then I remembered the phrase we hear so often at church: "The Last Dispensation."  I don't dread the end of this dispensation.  I try my best to be prepared for it, and sometimes I get worried that I won't be my best by the time the end comes, but I don't dread it because I know it's just a beginning of something magnificent.

Most of the time, things don't end.  Not the good things anyway.  And the end doesn't have to be bad.  It's like climbing stairs.  Getting to the last step means getting on with what you really need to be doing.  And if this institute class is a set of stairs, I'm glad I climbed them, and I can't wait to see what's on this floor.  Hopefully it's as enjoyable as Doctrines of the Gospel.

Choose to Cleave.
*Read my first post, "Preface," for more information about Cleaving


Connie Babe said...

and just get to sign up for another class!!!

do they offer bible customs and manners? i will love that class! (unless it's a completely dopey teacher)